WIN Working From Home: How to Stay Productive, Connected and Confident as a Work From Home Woman

Next-level tactics and simple systems to help you get it all done without feeling overwhelmed ... from a fellow woman entrepreneur who's been successfully working from home full-time since 2011.
view_module Modules 3
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About This Product:

Working From Home has Become a Choice ... YOUR Choice!

It’s no longer about pivoting due to a pandemic and making do … Working From Home has become a powerful choice that you can make for yourself and your family. 
However, if you’re going to succeed and make WFH work for you … if you’re going to make it sustainable long-term — and you certainly can! … you need tactics and systems in place so that you can stay productive, connected, and confident as a WFH professional woman.
The good news is that you are in the right place at the right time, friend!
With the WIN Working From Home course, you can shorten your learning curve and learn in a weekend what it took me a decade to figure out and refine. 
That’s right … I was successfully working from home way before WFH was cool. And I already learned from my mistakes, so now you don’t have to!
In this self-paced, self-study online course, you’ll learn the next-level tactics and simple systems you need to have in place to help you get it all done without feeling overwhelmed. 
So you can actually establish and enjoy the work from home lifestyle you want and deserve.  

Your WIN Working From Home online course consists of:

Module 1 is six lessons about Productivity. You’ll have access to 159 minutes of video training on everything from setting up your home office workspace for maximum productivity to time management, staying organized, and managing distractions to maintain your focus.
Module 2 consists of four lessons (63 minutes of video training) on Connection. Here, you’ll learn tips and tactics on staying connected when working from home. This is an important module, because we all — extroverts and introverts alike — need to feel connected to others. It’s a basic human need. And it’s all too easy to feel DISconnected when working from home on an ongoing basis.
Module 3 is all about Confidence. Three power-packed lessons poured into 51 minutes of video to help you build, maintain, and boost your confidence when you need to.

When you enroll today you get the following:

  • 4.55 hours of video training combined with checklists and other resources to make it faster and easier for you to Win Working From Home
  • Invitation to join the Work From Home Winners Club private Facebook group where you’ll find a community of like-minded people to share your WFH journey with
  • Live group coaching Coffee Chats once a week 
  • FREE access to open-door office hours with me on Zoom where you can pop in to ask questions and get support (twice a month)

Don't Spend Another Day Trying to Fine-Tune your WFH Success All on Your Own!

You don't have to figure it all out on your own.

You don't need to learn by trial and error.

Finally, you can take a shortcut and get to the finish line faster and with less stress than ever before.

I've got you!!

Enroll in the WIN Working From Home course today.

You deserve it.

I can't wait to share the journey with you and support you along the way to WFH success!

Click that button and ENROLL NOW!

Coach Michele Peterson

Program Details

Lesson 1.1: Set the Stage
Available Now
Lesson 1.2: Manage Your Time
Available Now
Lesson 1.3: Starting Your Day
Available Now
Lesson 1.4: POWER Goals
Available Now
Lesson 1.5: Stay Organized
Available Now
Lesson 1.6: Maintain FOCUS
Available Now

Lesson 2.1: Communication
Available Now
Lesson 2.2: Video Calls
Available Now
Lesson 2.3: Your Network
Available Now
Lesson 2.4: Your Tribe
Available Now

Lesson 3.1: Your Mindset
Available Now
Lesson 3.2: Outward Self
Available Now
Lesson 3.3: Take Action
Available Now

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Michele Peterson

Coach Michele Peterson has been a full-time working from home entrepreneur since 2011 ... before WFH was cool! She is on a mission to empower other professional women to also reach next-level WFH success as the best versions of themselves.
See Full Biography >
Coach Michele Peterson has been a full-time working from home entrepreneur since 2011 ... before WFH was cool! She is on a mission to empower other professional women to also reach next-level WFH success as the best versions of themselves.

Michele is a WFH Success Coach, Direct Response UX/SEO Copywriter specializing in email and content marketing, and also runs a for-fun side hustle as a Mary Kay Independent Beauty Consultant.  
When she’s not working, she enjoys reading, gardening, drinking wine, practicing yoga, swimming, quilting, painting, and trying new recipes.
She lives in Fresno, California with her husband and two rescue dogs.
See Short Biography >

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Disclosure: The depicted experience is not typical. Your background, education, experience, and work ethic may differ. This is used as an example and not a guarantee of success. We do not track the typicality of students' experiences. Your results may vary.